
April 24, 2006

Free English Podcasts On-line (Part I)

Like I've told you before, there are many many free resources for learners to learn English on the Internet. Among them, using Podcast seemes to be the trend now. More and more people and organizations are publishing their own programs as a Podcast format online. If you don't know what Podcast is, please go and read my another article here at: to get a overall understanding about Podcast.

resource 資源
among 在...之間
Podcast 一種網路的廣播節目模式, 以mp3格式製作供使用者下載至電腦播放或再傳輸至mp3播放器播放, 任何人或團體皆可自製廣播節目放在網站上供人下載.
seemes to 似乎
trend 潮流
organization 組織
publish 出版
program 節目
format 格式
online 網路上
overall 整體的

Now I would like to highly recommend you some useful Podcasts online.

highly recommend 高度推薦

ESL Podcast and English Cafe
The two Podcasts are provided by the Center for Educational Development. To download their programs, just click the following link and once you are on their Web page, you can download their up-to-date mp3 files and save them into your computer and later they can be uploaded by you to your mp3 player too. Their mutual Web site is:

provide 提供
download 下載
up-to-date 最新的
upload 上載
mutual 共同的

TOEFL Podcast
This Podcast is also served by the Center for Educational Development. The purpose of this Podcast is to help people improve their ability for TOEFL preparatoin. Its link is:

serve 提供
improve 改進
ability 能力
preparatoin 準備

Englsih Teacher John's Show
Usually you can download the English teacher John's Podcast through iTune. However, considering people like you who don't use eithter iTune nor iPod, you can go directly to his Web site and look for useful Podcasts you need. In fact, on his Web site you may find more fun stuff about his show.

however 可是, 然而
considering 考慮到
neither...nor 既不...也不
directly 直接
look for 尋找
in fact 事實上
stuff 東西

Next time I will introduce more wonderful Podcasts to you. Enjoy listening to them now!

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