
September 28, 2011

Time for living more healthily.

Making hand-outs is a never-ending job. I am still working on that right now.. in the middle of night. Learning that my close friend has got cancer, I kinda think about my own health. Is it high time for me to change my nightly schedule now?

September 20, 2011

A card

A female student of mine posted a message on her FB, " I won't ask for more. Just simply sending me a card can touch my heart. See how simple I am."
And here is the message that I followed, " A Visa Gold Card"
I hope she won't get mad at this. :)

September 18, 2011

Want to buy a new cellphone

Jon the American teacher showed me today a couple of websites that I should go check out for buying a new cell phone. I have told him several times that it's time I got rid of my old one. What's happening now is that I want my cell phone to include a lot of useful functions but the price has to be affordable. After talking with him, I felt like these is a saying that goes, "You get what you pay." which is very true. Admittedly, you have to hit your pocket if you wish to buy the hottest cellphone on the market. One thing for sure however: no Korean cellphone will be in my shopping list. I mean it.

September 13, 2011

Teaching with no white boards

What is the best tool of making a presentation online? I have been wondering how I can transform my teaching materials into an online-based structure. Imagine how cool it will be in my class as I turn on the projector and have everyone look at the big screen in the classroom without taking notes on a trite and boring whiteboard. Any advice?

September 11, 2011

For dog keepers

Teaching a dog is just like getting on with people; you need to stay calm and assertive, and of course be dominant if you want to take control. That's what I have learned from a TV program called dog whisper.

September 06, 2011

Being a substitute teacher

I was just done with one substitute class last night-- Grammar for Intermediate Level. Though currently I am not a regular teacher for this kind, I was still pleased to be there. I have got lots of thinking about what I should do to improve my teaching skills next time for this level. Unfortunately last night during the class I was unable to go through all the things in my handouts, but Julie told me that it is normal for a substitute teacher who cannot cover everything before the class wraps up since there is too much stuff in the textbook. On hearing that, I felt much more assured. Things can get better, so I will cross my fingers for myself.