
August 14, 2007

Monthly update of Albert

I haven't written anything here yet since June. For those who want to know how I have been doing recently, here is what I am going to tell you.

First of all, I am still alive 活著. Though sometimes I feel like busy as hell 忙得跟狗一樣, I never stop to complain about 抱怨 anything. Instead 反而, I think I am getting more energy 能量 out of my job. To let more people know that I am a hard-working guy, I have made my own learning forum 論壇 for my readers, so from it they can soak up 吸收 new stuff in English by downloading Podcast, reading new phrases 片語 and vocabulary 字彙, posting 刊登
questions, and so and so forth 等等. I feel quite happy when seeing so many visitors come to my Web. For that matter就那而言, You really should make the best use of it 好好利用. I mean it 我說真的.

Next, my son is with me now at all times during this summer. His mom has found a new job in the city, so I have to become a all-time babysitter 保母. Well, actuallt 事實上he is no more a baby now, but he is turning a third-grader 三年級 for teh ipcoming 即將來到的 semester. Well, time flies when you're having fun 時光飛逝!'

So, that's all I must tell you about myself. If you wish to keep in touch, please drop me a line 寫電郵 and tell me what you are getting on as well 也. Catch you later 再見.