
December 22, 2005

A sample letter

Dear grandpa,

How's everyhing going? The season changes so fast, so it is getting colder and colder now. Being the dearest granddaughter of you, I would suggest you dress more lest you should come down with a cold.

I read in the newspaper the other day that the elderlys should be more careful when rising in the early morning. They are more likely to suffer from a stroke if they get out of bed too fast. I am beloved of you, so I really care about you and your health. You should always have a normal nightly schedule. Don't eat too much meat. If you do, go for something healthful as well. Green vegetables, fruit, more water, and just to name a few, will keep you in good shape at times. In any case, we should always do things to keep ourselves fit and healthy.

Christmas is around the corner, so here I wish you a merry Chistmas and happy new year!!

Lovely yours,


lest (conj.) 以免
come down with 生病
rise 起床
be likely to 有可能會
suffer from 受苦於
be beloved of 被愛
nightly routine/ schedule 作息
fit and healthy 健康

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