
September 16, 2012

Note for students

I left a message on one of the FB groups I created for my students. They are taking a test tomorrow.

Hello class. How was your weekend? I bet that you all had a great time, didn't you? Here I just want to remind you all that tomorrow night (Monday) will be the last class of the session. So there will be several things to run through before the end of the class. 

First, I'll give you a new phrase-of-the-week handout as usual, but we may not be going over it because of time restraint. 

Next, a paper test will be given. Don't worry so much, they are just multiple choice questions in regard of the phrases we have learned since the beginning of the session. And, it's an "OPEN BOOK" test, so bring your handouts to class if you can.

Finally, you will have to conduct an oral presentation. You decide the topic yourself, and it can be somewhere between three to five minutes long. I hope to see the content of your work with many things we learned before. Have you got it? Have you seen the light? OK. See you in class and good luck.

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