
August 02, 2009

The hardest decison I have ever made.

The hardest decision I've ever made is about whether I should come back to Taiwan in 2001. Back then I was working for a marketing company in Fremont, California. Just as other companies in Silicon Valley were suffering a big downturn mostly due to the bubble economy in the US, my company started to lay people off in order to stay in business.

Back then 那時候

suffering 受苦於

downturn 低迷

due to 由於

bubble economy 泡沫經濟

lay people off 裁員

stay in business 保持營運

Just before I was locked in, I knew I might be shown the door somewhere down the line. On second thought, I would be lucky to stay employed. I didn't know about it, and there was nothing I could do.

locked in 被鎖定

be shown the door 被請走路

somewhere down the line 某個時間點

on second fought 另一種想法

stay employed 被保持雇用

Things had turned so uncertain that each and every day of my staying on my job was a torture for me. I was getting so tired of waiting for the outcome and it had made me go schizophrenic. Therefore, I decided to submit my resignation to my boss one day. He was shocked. But soon after that, he didn't say too much and approved my request. I got everything wrapped up and left the US in one month.That's the hardest decision I've made.

uncertain 不確定

torture 虐待

outcome 結果

schizophrenic 精神分裂

submit 提出

resignation 辭職

approve 批准

request 請求

wrapped up 打包;完成

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