
May 28, 2012

An Interesting Comment

Someone left a comment about me on ELITE's Web site: おもしろいの先生。I googled it and found out its meaning: Interesting Teacher.
Whoever you are, thanks for your comment and I will keep at it. ありがとう!

May 17, 2012

An easier language to learn is Japanese

Chen, the new Oriel pitcher from Taiwan, was interviewed by Japanese media. He speaks fluent Japanese, for he used to play baseball in the professional league in Japan. In my sights, learning Japanese for other Asian players is much easier than learning English due to the fact they are all Asian languages. 
Another case in point is that the European basketball players can speak English well after they spend years playing at NBA because Western languages don't make too much difference among one another.
Therefore, I wonder if Chen can also speak English as well as Japanese in the future. Take a look at other Taiwanese MLB players who are still struggling for a chance to show up in the ball park, their English language skills doesn't impress me at all. That is not their fault; namely, Asian languages like Japanese or Korean may be easier for Taiwanese to learn.