
December 31, 2004

New Year's Resolution

The year of 2005 is around the corner. People still feel the effect of the political chaos, bad economy, low unemployment rate, unstable housing prices, plunging stock market index, and just to name a few. As for me, there are lots of things that need to be done for the year to come. I will see what I can do, not just biting off more than I can chew.
  • Buy my own place
  • Take a family trip to China and US
  • Run a tutoring class on my own
  • Block out much more time for my family

Guys, just get into the spirit of 2005. Hoping everything will get better.

feel the effect of something 受到...的影響
just to name a few 舉幾個例子來說
for the year to come 未來的一年
biting off more than someone can chew 超過能力所及
Block out (time) 空出時間
just get into the spirit of something 盡情享受...

You know what?

Gee, I haven't taken any day-off on Saturday in such a long time. Thank God it's a holiday this coming one. Thus I don't need to take the long trip again to Xin Zhu as usual. What would you do on January 1, 2005? Going for some outdoor? You should keep a good track of your time for the weekend to come. Tell us your plan about how to welcome the new year days. For those who haven't posted anything on our BLOG. Just work your butt off now!!

work one's butt off 動手去做

December 30, 2004

A meeting minute written by Bruce Lin

As I told you earlier that Bruce Lin is not only one of my close acquaitance but he also serves as a senior member as well as the consultant for one Toastmaster branch in Taipei. He usually writes meeting minute for his club on a regular basis. His writing skill has always been the envy of me, so I wish one day I could write as well as he. The following passage is his latest meeting minute done for his club. Please take your time reading it.

Still fresh from a wedding, and not quite honeymooned yet, Josephine giggled her way to open the last Sunrise meeting of 2004. Her pumpkin smile was ever-ripening, which seemed make our conference room impervious to cold weather, not to mention the disastrous tsunamis.

Toastmaster was Murphy. His wishes of 2005 are: making more money, traveling, and traveling with a new flame. Claire’s wishes are: learning more at work, improving English, and CFA, whatever that is. No doubt Claire will improve in English; we would come up with a perfect model if we could combine Claire’s inquisitiveness and EleaNore’s undauntedness. Claire is very careful in her grammar, so she improves; EleaNore does not care about her grammar, she, paradoxically, improves too.

If Claire is becoming Queen of Joke Master, then Jack is becoming King of Table Topic Master. Jack knows how to use the session to build up suspense, torturing few while pleasing most of us. You somehow wished he did not pick you, but fate had its way.

The speech session became a toast to President Josephine, who does not try hard to be a leader because she does not need to. I knew there would be lots of moving words coming from Annie and Anita, and I also knew that Jo would not get too sentimental – she is busying having fun with life that ‘tears’ is an unfamiliar word to her. Remember? She is THE best medicine.

December 29, 2004

Why Learn English the Hard Way?--by Bruce Lin




" Why Learn English the Hard Way"

English version

Chinese version

Some changes in my class.

The G.V. has recently made some critical changes toward all of its basic and elementary courses. From now on, all Starter and Elementary-level courses are merged into one cluster. That is to say, students can just stick to one spot for all basic and elementary classes. They won't have trouble finding a class that has to go with their personal schedules.

Being a instructor of it, I had to be faced with some problems followed by the change. Students in the Book 2 class may have to stay with the ones who just newly start their lessons at G.V., because the class has been shifted to Starter-level base on the new class schedule.

On the other hand, the new change is good for those who can only find little to come to the G.V. to learn English. As far as the old students in my class are concerned, they need to put up with it for a while.

December 28, 2004

What can we help them?

Dear all:

What can we help those who suffered from the disaster of the earthquake and tsunami happened in south Asia?
One of our friends sent me the information below. If you would like to make a donation, try sending the money to the official agency to avoid being swindled.


各慈善機構除了郵政劃撥帳號外, 亦有 信用卡捐款(詳下列各網址)

敬請註明 『南亞震災捐款專戶』

並請幫忙轉寄. 謝謝您.

並祝大家 平安健康



紅十字會需要您的支持 『南亞震災捐款專戶』







服務電話:(03)8266779 轉分機 218、289。


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Thank you for your participation.

It is a pleasant thing to see many of you willing to take part in the membership of this Web BLOG. So far we have had more than 10 members. I hope more and more people can join us for the time to come. However, if you are already listed on the contributor's list, it is high time that you posted some of your writing works here. Tell us what your new year's resolution is. Hey, let's pitch in.

New year's resolution 新的一年的決心
pitch in 投入心力
It is high time that S + Ved 該是...的時候了(後面一定要接過去式)

December 27, 2004

A big tsunami attacked south Asia.

I believe most of you must have read the news about the tsunami (海嘯) coming after a terrible earthquake striking many countries in south Asia. To know the detail in English, please click the link below.

December 26, 2004

Our guest writer: Bruce Lin

I have known Mr. Lin for quite a while. We have been friends since we worked at a company in San Francisco in 1996. He is also working as an English teacher in Taipei currently.
It was the other day that I asked him to give us some advice about learning English, in no time he sent me an article via email which referred to improving people's English proficiency. I copied the whole article and pasted it here as follows, so please enjoy reading it.

A Short-Cut to Learning English?

From time to time, students ask me how to study English. It is difficult to answer because each student?s learning behavior is unique. When walking into a bookstore to find a good English reference book, students often feel lost in the jungle of books. Worse, they buy tons of books or magazines but seldom use them. Using English is very important.

I found a good website (from British Broadcast Corporation service/learning English/) for students to USE English. I list out many benefits students can get from it in the following. Please visit the website NOW.

  • Efficiency
  • The articles on the website are short.
  • The website has a new article every 2 or 3 days. This makes learning English burden-free.
  • Listening
  • You can LISTEN to the short article on the website in English.
  • Practicality
  • It is in British English, which, I think, it more helpful for students to get used to the English accents of the countries such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc. Of course, it helps with understanding American English.
  • Words and terms
  • Following an article, there is a list of explanations of words, terms, and phrases in English.
  • Thus, it is a good chance to USE English to learn English. TRY NOT TO USE CHINESE TO LEARN ENGLISH.
  • Focus
  • You can listen to the same article many times a day and for many days. Repeatedly learning the same thing over and over is powerful because you tend to have deeper impression of what is learned. The logic is, it is better to learn one thing WELL than to learn one hundred things NOT WELL.
  • Daily habit
  • English ability is accumulated little by little. You can check the website every day to develop a daily habit of reading English.
  • Knowledge
  • It is a window to gain the information of the world, which, as you know, is the very reason why we learn English. You get double pleasure to learn English and world affairs at the same time.

    If some articles are too difficult or boring to you, then don?t force yourself. Eventually, you?ll have to develop your own judgment of what should be learned and what should not.


A funny Christmas card. Check it out!!

I think this is one of the funniest animation I have ever seen.
You can't miss it!


December 25, 2004

How was your Christmas?

Most of you must have had a wonderful Christmas time, right?
I just came up with an idea; that is, tell us how you spent Christmas this year.
I think this is also a good chance for you to practice writing something in English. Come on! Just give it try. Let us share this wonderful moment with one another.

December 23, 2004

A blessed concert is holding this Christmas Eve.

Hi guys,

My friend YaoYao is the producer of the "Blessed Girls" singing group from San Francisco. They are now doing their world's itinerary performance across the world. This Christmas Eve will be their debut in Taiwan. Below is the information about the show. You can't miss it if you are a Christian.

Hi Albert, I am looking forward to seeing you at Blessed Girls Concert this Christmas !!Please choose the following 2 concerts at your convenience. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
please help me to forward to Scott

日期: 12/24/2004 (星期五)時間: 7:00 PM 地點: 國軍文藝中心地址: 台北市中華路一段69號
日期: 12/25/2004 (星期六)時間: 7:30 PM (7:00PM 入場)地點: 台北新生命小組教會地址: 台北市仁愛路四段101號B1電話: 2711-7275 分機56~58
12月24日 7:30 pm 真道教會 國軍文藝中心12月25日 3:00 pm 新竹勝利堂 本堂12月25日 7:30 pm台北新生命小組教會 12月26日 10:00 am 廈門街浸信會 台北市廈門街81巷20號 12月28日 7:30 pm 林森南路禮拜堂 主題: 與恩典相遇12月31日 7:30 pm 台北永約教會 松江路101號元月一日 7:30 pm 士林靈糧堂 青年收割聚會元月二日 10:00 am 內湖行道會 國光藝校
詳情請洽:+886 2 2341-9557yaoyao cell : 0912-921-828

Hello Albert. Season's greeting from Leo!!

Christmas is coming! I wish you and all the friends here Merry Christmas.

Best regards,


December 22, 2004

Hello! Albert and all the members here.

I am so glad to be the member of this BLOG. Within this site, I can practice my writing skills anytime I want to. And also it's really a happy thing meeting many friends here who are enthusiastic as me about learning English. Thank you Albert! I will take a full advantage of this BLOG by posting many articles done by myself here. I hope you can take a look at them and advise me how to do better on my wrting. For other freinds here, my suggestion for you is not to be afraid of showing off yourself on this BLOG. The more practices in writing, the more improvement you will gain.

Good luck to you all.


Do you want to post an article here?

你看到本頁右方的標題--Contributors (貢獻者)
如果有你的大名. 那表示說, 恭喜你已成為本站會員, 可以肆無忌憚的刊登你自己的文章在此. 酷吧!! 否則你只能看別人的文章流口水, 頂多留下評語而已(Post a cmment). 那只是隔靴搔癢吧!
怎麼加入呢? 請詳讀以下的幾篇文章就知道了.
有任何問題請來信告訴我. 我是Abert Chang. 本站管理員.


What's up, my friends?

我知道你已經迫不急待的想要刊登你的大作對嗎? Hey, take it easy. There's something you need to do before you can publish your writing.

First of all, 必須加入本站會員. 因為沒有經過此步驟, 你只能看別人的文章, 只能在別人的文章中留下評語, 而不能自己刊登文章. 而加入會員的步驟, 須經過站長(Me!!)寄發邀請信才行.
如果你沒收到我的會員邀請信, 請直接寫email給我好嗎? I am such a forgetful person most of the time. Please forgive me if you haven't got my invitation email yet. So, why don't you just remind me of it by sending me an email?

For more details. please refer to the previous article below.
關於加入會員的細節部分, 請參考以下的文章(通知信).

Albert Chang

Albert 的網站更新版本通知信原稿


我們的網站經過反覆的定位後, 結果終於出爐. 我把它當作是一個讓大家自由發揮英文寫作的地方. 也就是說, 如果你敢秀你的writing ability,我們就敢看你的大作. 也就是說, 這不是我一個人維護的網站(說實在我也沒那麼多時間), 而是大家一起要來共同經營的網站. 怎麼說呢? 請看以下分解.

首先, 網站的地址是:進入之後, 你可以選擇刊登自己的文章(Post your article) 或是在某個文章下面留下意見(Post your comment).

如果你要刊登自己的文章, 必須要做一件事情--做本站的一份子. 很簡單, 只要回信告訴我你要加入會員. 稍後我就會寄給你一封邀請郵件, 邀請你加入會員. 你只要按照郵件的操作步驟, 點取到本站的介面, 加入新的帳號及密碼即可. 帳號和密碼只有你自己能保管.

因為早先我的作業錯誤, 把本站已加入的會員名單刪除了, 如果之前已經加入的朋友怎麼辦呢? , 別擔心, 你們仍是blogger註冊的使用者, 所以帳號和密碼仍有效, 只是還要麻煩你再登錄一次加入會員才行. 你不需要再申請新的帳號及密碼, 直接用你原來的就可以登錄了.

一但你成為本站會員, 你就可以在任何時間登錄本站, 在管理頁中加入你的文章, 也許剛開始的使用刊登界面不太容易了解, 但是只要多試幾次就一定OK. 接下來就是切磋與交流的時間囉. It's show time!!

如果你不想刊登文章, 只想留下意見. 那你什麼也不用做. 只要到本站首頁 瀏覽任何一篇文章,並在文章的下方的comment文字連結點取, 就可以留言了. Doesn't that sound good to you?

如果你有仍何操作上的問題, 歡迎來信問我. 別忘了來信告訴我你要會員.

My email is:

Again, I am your friend ALBERT as well as the manager of this Web BLOG. You are heartily invited by us, and we are looking forward to having you be our member for the days to come.

Take care...

Albert Chang
my pic